Thursday, August 27, 2015

Arthritis Webinar

The Arthritis Foundation of NY offers a free one hour webinar series called e-learning that focuses on various topics related to arthritis. The webinars are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Arthritis question

What does arthritis mean?



Arthritis is a joint disease that affects 53 million adults and 300,000 children in the US. Common symptoms include swelling, pain, stiffness and decreased range of motion. The symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe. It is more common among women and occurs more frequently as people get older. According to the arthritis foundation there are six steps that can help with managing arthritis.  

1) Track symptoms, pain levels & medication
2) Manage pan & fatigue
3) Stay active
4) Balance activity with rest
5) Eat a balanced diet
6) Improve sleep

Information courtesy of

Thursday, August 13, 2015

National Health Observances

National Glaucoma Awareness Month
Thyroid Awareness Month    

American Heart Month
AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month

National Nutrition Month
National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
National Kidney Month

Alcohol Awareness Month
Women's Eye Health and Safety Month
World Health Day (April 7th)

Arthritis Awareness Month
Better Hearing and Speech Month
Healthy Vision Month
Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month
Mental Health Month
National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
National Senior Health and Fitness Day (May 27th)
National Stroke Awareness Month

Cataract Awareness Month
National Safety Month

Social Wellness Month
World Hepatitis Day (July 28th)

National Immunization Awareness Month

Healthy Aging Month
Falls Prevention Awareness Month
Fruit and Veggies-More Matters Month
National Food Safety Education Month
National Preparedness Month
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
World Alzheimer's Month

Eye Injury Prevention Month
Health Literacy Month
Home Eye Safety Month
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

American Diabetes Month
COPD Awareness Month
Lung Cancer Awareness Month
National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month
National Family Caregivers Month
National Healthy Skin Month
Great American Smoke-out (Third Thursday in November)
National Hospice Palliative Care Month
National Stomach Cancer Awareness Month

National Influenza Vaccination Week (Dec 7-13)
Older Driver Safety Awareness Week  (Dec 7-11)
Safe Toys and Gift Month

Monday, August 10, 2015


Go4Life, an exercise and physical activity campaign from the National Institute on Aging at NIH, is designed to help you fit exercise and physical activity into your daily life

The program focuses on 4 types of exercises:

  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Balance
  • Flexibility

1) Endurance exercises also known as aerobics includes activities that increase breathing and heart rate. Some examples include walking, jogging, swimming and biking.

2) Strength exercises are responsible for making your muscles stronger. When your muscles are strong you can perform everyday activities with greater ease such as opening jars, carrying groceries or climbing the stairs.

3) According to NIH Senior Health, balance exercises can help to prevent falls by improving the ability to control and maintain the body's position.

4)Flexibility exercises provide more freedom of your movements to engage in physical and everyday activities such as getting dressed and reaching objects on a shelf.

For more information go to